Wednesday 20 July 2011

Theorie: Andrew Goodwin - Dancing in the Distraction Factory.

Goodwin broke the type of music video down into three main sections: -

1) Illustration: -

The film will always cut on the beat to keep it smooth and flowing to ensure continued viewing. The lyrics will link to the images and reflect their literal or intended meanings and the way the lyrics feel to the viewer. The band or singer image should compliment the genre and should include items to reflect their singing, dancing, props and costumes.

2) Amplication: -

The film cuts both on and off the beat to empasise cretian features within the film it's self. The images used are intended to amplify the lyrics or a specific narrative but not necessarily picked up by reading the lyrics alone. The band or singer will usually take on fictional roles within the already structured narrative.

3) Disjuncture: -

The film usually cuts off the beat (but not always) which is usually either a sign of a bad video by an amature group or singer or as explained in the examples it is used to break the mold of an already well established group or singer (although it is rarely used by solo artists) who is trying to keep there alread found fan base entertained. The images shown in the video don't reflect the music or lyrics being sang because as said before it's usually used by a already well known group or singer with a large established fan base who can aford to take those risks. As for the band or singers image it's the complet opposite to what they are nomally portrayed to look like and act.

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