Wednesday 20 July 2011

Theorie: Carol Vernallis The Kindest Cut.

She studied both Music videos and Hollywood film and the similarities and differences they have on their audiences.
Below is a table to show the comparisons she made between Music videos and Hollywood film: -

Two of her most famous quotes are: -

"In video our attention to the song shapes the way we perceive the image, but to an equal extent what we attend to in the image helps to determine how we hear the music"

In other words the music and the images on screen must go together and make sense so that the audience doesn't become confused about the meaning of the lyrics and the intended effects.

And the other is: -

"Shots of the artist will encourage us to piece together a phantasmagorical body (a body made up in the mind composed of the more sexual/ appealing parts of the performer)".

Basically the artist uses this idea to thither promote and sell their video and therefore increase their fan base.

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