Tuesday 12 July 2011

Assessment 12/07 SJA

- You have made a good effort to select a good range of photos from the music video shoot for your post on this
- You have provided some thoughtful comments about your role and how you felt about the day
- Your own lip synch is good - it shows thought about variety of shots and angles and a generally good performance LUke. It would be good to see more of this from you. I sometimes think you tend to let others step in and take over when you are involved in group tasks at school

- Make sure you go back to the last email Miss CUnliffe sent ouy and check that all posts use the correct labelling and the correct title
- You need to scan / upload your planning documents as 'Production Manager' to add to your posts about the music video re-shoot
- Your www / ebi comments for your own lip synch are really vague. You need to elaborate. It's not good enough to say 'I had some problems with this...'. What were they? How did you overcome them?
- Mising Post 4 - 'Reflecting on progess from year 12 into Year 13'?
EFFORT: IN - Posts missing / some posts not completed porperly (use the guide that was emailed to you)

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