Friday 23 September 2011

Assessment 23/9/11 MCU


- Some attempt at the majority of posts.
- Some good presentation, the first music video analysis in poat 14.
- Some use of visual material.


- there are far too many unfinished posts here Luke. You have not been improving them or making sure that you complete them to the right standard as you go along. You have created an enormous lot of work for yourself.
- All posts except no 2 need improvement or need to be completed.
- You need to analyse in much more detail, think about cinematography, sound, editing, mise en scene and analyse under the 4 headings for each video.
- There are some posts that show information clearly coipied and pasted from the internet. This is plagiarism. You must improve this or we cannot enter your work and you will face serious sanctions within the school. Posts 15 and 17 show this.
- You must include more visual material.
- You must complete posts 19 and 20, the mark scheme requires audience research.


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