I was quite fortunate because I had a few roles on the day these included: -
Production manager: -
This is a sort of over seer and orgainizer who's main job is to bring everyone up to speed about what they need to do and what need's doing, on set they are in charege with geting performers organised for their perticular scenes and making sure everything is set up alright.
This is a photo of me looking at the storyboard to see when the people required for the shots need to be ready by -
My second role on the day was that because I'm in most of the Corridoor and Libery scene's I was asked to film some of the Gym shots otherwise I might not have had an opotunity to film.
I shot two different shot's one of them being the one with Elenya spining her red hola hoop: -
And the second was one of Dan doing his very acurate air guitaring: -
My final role of the day was as the blue scarf guy in the corridoor scene (I was also part of the Libery scen as one of the table dancers but that was quite minor)an dwas in most of the shots from this section: -
Some WWW and EBI's of your contribution to the day.
WWW: -
I thought most of what I achieved and contributed went well for example: -
1. Due to my shot's being relitivly simple and easy to set up, frame and shoot we finished on shedual for the gym shooting time limit.
2. My encoragement and motivation helped with the corridor dance shot's when some of my fellow dancers were lacking it.
3. I fixed some choriography errors that creped up in the first couple of dance scenes.
EBI: -
However there are a few things I would have improved if I had a chance to re do things namely: -
1. Have a solution devised for lack of atendence to dance rehersals because (and these applyed to everyone) people didn't know the choriographing and were practicing it between takes, asking other people what they were ment to be doing, looked like they were half asleep when they were dancingand just generally putting little or no effort into it.
2. Gone over our duet with Elenya more thurrorly because we only had one proper practice of it and that was for 15 miniutes on Monday after school and we were both getting the coriography mixed up and confused.
3. And finally Changed the order in which we did the shots because we could have booked the Libery Periods 4&5 and left the Corridor stuff untill after school that way we could possibly leave the equipment set up in the Libery over Lunch so we can come straight back to it and not be as desrupted was we were waiting for everyone to clear the corridors after Lunch and how knows if we did it that way we might have even finishe quicker too.
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