Monday, 18 July 2011

Developing my skills on Final Cut Express

To edit, finalise and upload our finished version of our group In the Sun music video we used a piece of Software called Final Cut which professional editors use for actual music videos and movies.

Some WWW's and EBI'S on my editing skills on Final Cut: -
WWW: -

1. I can make good decisions about what needs to go where and to look at and keep in mind things like timing of shots, shot length in terms of music and placing each shot in relation to where it needs to be.

2. I can edit independently whereas before Year 13 I probubly couldn't do it completly on my own.

3. I incorperated the extra footage that wasn't shot on the origional day of shooting and put it into place within the video so that we didn't have any gaps in the vidoe and so that it looked similar to the origional video because Jordan wasn't sure where to put it.

EBI: -

1. For most of the Editing process I did sort of let Jordan hog the keyboard because he has had more practice and experience with Final Cut than I have so I was sort of Shadowing him really.

2. We actually didn't leave any space for the newly shot footage so I had to go back over the shots and chop off and fine tune them so we had a few small gaps so that we could fit some of the new footage in.

3. And finally we had a problem with the library section because we imported an entire section of the dance section which was fine and it looked brilliant but Elelnya wasn't lip syncing at the start and she didn't start to until about half way through so we chopped off the first half up to the point where she first started and we re imported a section where she did but didn't look as impressive.

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