Friday 11 November 2011

Location Permission Letter

This is a copy of the email that was sent to Daryl's dad asking permission of film in his bar we are still awaiting a reply...

And above is the copy of when it was comfermed

Advert Design

Similar to our CD cover design is our poster design also adopting a similar colour scheme to again reflect the genre of music, the band image and style and also the lyrics.

Also similar to the CD cover are our image for the Advert for the proper one we are going to first plan then take a picture of the whole band in a genrelistic pose.  

CD cover design

Below are our groups CD cover design which we thought about hard and we tryed to come up with something that would reflect our chosen genre of music and also link to the lyrics as well.

For the real one what we planed to with the images we planned to take pictures which we have put together and with the pictures of the band we would probably take them whilst they were performing.

Teacher Feedback

This is my Feedback from MCU regarding my Planning Post's. She has kindly said what I'm doing well and what I need to improve on. And I am curently in the process of doing this.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Talent Release Form

This is a copy of our Talent release form that we needed to get people to sign, if they want to be in our music video. This Protects us from breaching terms of Copy right and from people's concerns about putting there image on the internet.

Track Permission letter

Our group went to the record label website and sent them a message from there and gave our email and a number so they could contact us back, this is a print screen of our finished message.

Photo Shoot Plan

Below is our photo shoot plan that we made to know when we where going to take the photos for the album cover. We agreed these times because that's when we are all free and we would have the time to get it done as well. Below is our photo shoot plan that we made to know when we where going to take the photos for the album cover. We agreed these times because that's when we are all free and we would have the time to get it done as well.

Photo Shoot Plan-3

Friday 4 November 2011


This is our video that we made specifically for this post, we thought that we should do it this way not only to make it visual but also to show and say exactly what we meen rather than hopelessly trying to put it into words. Because what we meen might not come across as well as if we explain it and also it looks boreing if we just put a spider diagram on a post but in the video you can see our spider diagram on the white board ans we're eplaining what we are joting down and why we thought of it.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Shooting Schedule

This is a copy of our shooting schedule including filming locations, what equipment we need to bring with us and what members of the crew and the band we need and on what day.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

List of Props, Costumes and Equipment.

Costumes (Including make up): -

Lead singer: - Dark clothes, t-shirt and jeans, trainers, sweat bands, rings, piercings and dark eyeliner.

Rhythm Guitarist : - Dark clothes, t-shirt and skinny jeans, converse and dark eyeliner.

Lead Guitarist: - Dark clothes, t-shirt and skinny jeans, trainers, dark eyeliner and rings.

Bass guitarist: - Dark clothes, t-shirt and skinny jeans, trainers and dark eyeliner.

Drummer: - Dark clothes, jeans, t-shirt and hoodie, converse, wrist bands and hair in front of their face.

Girl: - Dark clothes, skinny jeans and a t-shirt, lots of dark eye make-up, dark hair (dyed?) and piercings.

This is the list of props that we will be using in the video (guitars and amps my vary) -
  • Two guitar amps 

  • A bass amp 

  • A Drum kit 

  • A Bass guitar 

  • Two regular Guitars (One Lead and one Rhythm). 

  • Mic and stand 
  • Three Jack leads

This is the list of equipment that we will be using in our video: -

  • A camera (may need more than one at some point)

  • A Tri-Pod 

  • Possibly a Fig-Rig

And we may also need a car to either transport our selves or the equipment to were we need to be/ where we need to get it to.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Peer assessment feedback (Planning).

Below is my second peer assessment feedback sheet this time on my Planning section of my blog and it's still a work in progress kind of deal.

Drew has kindly given me feedback about my Planning section which I have taken on board and am in the process of acting upon it. He's stated that I have a large number of posts missing which is partly my fault and partly not. And he's also said that some post's for instance post 6 the Image Annotation could be improved.